Home In Foreclosure?
At stokesproperties.net we are committed to providing a dependable, dignified and graceful exit strategy to homeowners who are behind in payments on their mortgage and are facing fast-approaching foreclosure.
We have a 10+ year long track record of helping homeowners to efficiently liquidate their homes, and provide them with time and money for a move to a new place of residence.
Homeowners often have a number of different ways to deal with foreclosure situation.
Most Common Ways To Stop Foreclosure Are:
- Raising funds to catch up loan payments in arrears. This could be done through family & friends, getting a loan from an employer, taking a withdrawal from 401K account, selling personal property or other real estate property.
- Negotiating a workout solution with the mortgage lender, such as a new payment plan or loan modification.
- Employing an attorney for legal assistance with staying off the foreclosure auction.
When The Avenues Above Have Been Exhausted
That's the time to call us at stokesproperties.net.
At this point, your big concern should be “HOW SURE” the sale outcome is. If you call us, we’ll quickly review you situation and tell you what we can and can’t do for you. Once we commit to buying your property – the sale of your property is a “SURE THING”.
We’ll treat you with dignity and respect you deserve. You’ll know exactly what to expect. If you do decide to sell your home to us – you can count on us to perform.
Be sure to also read some
Seller Beware words of caution about ways to spot some unscrupulous operators and “bad players” of this industry.
Steps To Stop Foreclosure By Selling Your Property
- Homeowner and stokesproperties.net sign a Contract to sell the property.
- stokesproperties.net contact lender's foreclosure lawyers to request a loan payoff or reinstatement statement (amount required to catch up the arrearage).
- Lenders usually quote 10-14 calendar days to produce these statements.
- Title company checks the title and ownership records, obtains payoff figures from HOA or other lien holders, if applicable. This usually takes 1 week.
- stokesproperties.net wires closing funds to the title company.
- Title company closes the sale of the property and disburses funds due to the homeowner.
- Title company sends a wire transfer with money to stop foreclosure to the lender.
Timeline To Stop Foreclosure
Stopping foreclosure realistically takes about 2 to 2.5 weeks.
By constitution foreclosure auctions in Texas are conducted once a month on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
The lender MUST get certified funds NO LATER THAN Monday before Tuesday's auction to cancel the auction.
In turn, this usually means
the closing of sale and funding must happen no later than Friday the week before the auction.
Since to get the payoff statement from the lender's lawyers usually takes about 2 weeks, the Contract often must be signed 2 to 2.5 weeks prior to the auction - in order to ensure a smooth closing of the sale.
The Biggest Mistake
The biggest mistake homeowners in foreclosure often make is (and it's the most common mistake too) - waiting until the very last few days prior to the auction date before reaching out to us for help. We often get a frantic call 2-3 days before the auction. Unfortunately, at that point it's near impossible to go through the steps necessary to stop foreclosure (see Foreclosure Timeline above) and complete the sale.
With just a little earlier head start we've been able to help dozens of Austin homeowners to exit from under the debt, get some money before all is lost and relocate to a new residence with dignity.
So, don't wait! There is a good bit of work for us to do - to get you in the clear. Call us now!
Help With Relocation
When required, we also help homeowners with some other issues related to relocating to a new place. These could be apartment location, rent free (or pre-paid) leases for a specific duration, physical and logistical aspects of moving, such as lining up a moving van, providing labor to load and unload the furniture and other belonging, and helping with other needs the homeowner might have in their difficult circumstances.